Architectural and Engineering Glossary


Angle Lacing

A system of lacing in which angle irons are used in place of bars.

Angle Lighting Luminaire

A luminaire whose light distribution is asymmetric with respect to a direction of specific interest.

Angle Modillion

A modillion at the corner of a cornice.

Angle Newel

A landing newel.

Angle Niche

A niche formed at the corner of a building;common in medieval architecture.

Angle Of Illumination

The angle between the axis of an illuminator and a perpendicular to the surface being illuminated.

Angle Paddle

A hand tool used to finish a plastered surface.

Angle Pier

A pier,2 at the intersection of two walls,constructed on the external angle.

Angle Post

 In half-timber construction,the corner post.

Angle Rafter

A hip rafter.

Angle Rail

A timber that is cut from a square rail to form two lengthwise pieces which are triangular in cross section.

Angle Rib

1.In decorative work,a molding that ornaments an angle.2.In Gothic architecture,one of the diagonal ribs,1 that divides each of the rectangles of a vault.

Angle Ridge

A hip rafter.

Angle Section

A structural steel member having an L-shaped cross section.

Angle Shaft

1.A column within the right angled recesses of Norman door and window jambs.2.A decorative member, such as a colonnette or enriched corner bead,attached to an external angle of a building.

Angle Stile

A narrow strip of wood used to conceal the joint between a wall and a vertical wood surface which makes an angle with the wall,as at the edge of a corner cabinet.

Angle Stone

Same as quoin.

Angle Strut

An angle-shaped structural member which is designed to carry a compression load.

Angle Trowel

A margin trowel.

Angle Valve

A valve for controlling the flow of a liquid or air;the fluid leaves at right angles to the direction in which it enters the valve.


Same as bowtell.

Angled Bay Window

A bay window that is tri angular in plan and protrudes outward from a wall.

Angled Chimney Stacks

See diagonal chimney stacks.

Angled Stair

A stair whose successive flights are at an angle other than 180° to each other (often the angles are at 90°),with an intermediate platform between them.


Same as bulldozer.


A groove,usually containing an angle of 90.

Angular Hip Tile

Same as angle tile.


A natural mineral calcium sulfate,used in the manufacture of portland cement to control its set.

Anhydrous Lime

See lime.

Animal Black

A black pigment made by charring of animal bones;sometimes used in paints,although carbon black generally is preferred for tinting strength and blackness.Available in three grades:boneblack,drop black,and ivory black.


Descriptive of a material (such as wood) that does not have the same physical properties in all directions.

Annealed Glass

Glass created by a process that moves it,in a molten form, along a long oven where it is heated and then slowly cooled under controlled conditions,emerging as a flat,“fire polished” glass product.

Annealed Tube

See soft copper tube.


A subsidiary structure near or adjoining a larger principal building.

Annual Ring,growth Ring

A layer of wood produced during one year of a tree’s growth.


Said of a ring shaped structure or object. 

Annular Crypt

A crypt in a church that has a semicircular ambulatory leading to the main chamber,which contains a relic of a saint.

Annular Molding

Any molding that is circular in plan,such as the torus at the base of a column. 

Annular Nail

A nail with circular ridges around its shaft;provides greater holding power than a nail without such ridges.

Annular Vault

A barrel vault in the shape of a ring,instead of a straight line;covers a space of which the plan is formed by the area between two concentric circles,or any portion of such a space.

Annulated Column

A shaft or cluster of shafts fitted,at intervals,with rings.


A small molding,usually circular in plan and square or angular in section; of the fillets encircling the lower part of the Doric capital above the necking.


1.A signaling device,usually electrically operated,that emits an audible signal and/or a visual indication under selected circumstances;for example,it may sound an alarm in the case of fire or unauthorized entry.2.See car annunciator.


On drawings,abbr.for anodize.

Anodic Coating

The surface finish resulting from anodizing;may be transparent or colored by the use of a dye or pigment in the anodizing process.


To provide a hard,noncorrosive,electrolytic,oxide film on the surface of a metal,particularly aluminum,by electrolytic action.

Anta Cap

The capital of an anta.


Dating before or existing before the US Civil War (1861–1865).


A room,often spacious and elegant,leading to a private audience room or cabinet.


1.A room preceding a chamber.2.A foyer,lobby,or vestibule.