Architectural and Engineering Glossary
An escutcheon having a pivoted plate which covers a keyhole.
A heavy weight for driving a pile into the ground;dropped by gravity along a set of guide rails onto the head of the pile.
A door handle that hangs vertically when not in use;often fabricated of brass or wrought iron.
A key plate having a cover which swings over the key hole to protect it.
A panel molding recessed below the surface of the surrounding styles and rails.
A tear-shaped pendant,or arepresentation thereof.
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On the lower side of a flat concrete slab,the thickened portion which surrounds a column,column capital,or bracket.
A concrete form which is so erected as to provide the necessary support,shape,and finish for a drop panel.
A ring which is used as a handle to operate a lock or latch; the ring remains in a dropped position when not in use,but it may be raised and pivoted about the spindle to operate the lock.
An exterior wall cladding of wooden boards (or strips of other material such as aluminum or vinyl),which are tongued and grooved or rabbeted and overlapped so that the lower edge of each board interlocks with a groove in the board immediately below it.
In landscape architecture,a spreader,1for metering and distributing grass seed and/or fertilizer over a given area.
A pipe tee having lugs in the sides by which it can be attached to a support.
Tracery hanging from the soffit of an arch.
In plumbing,a special individual vent which connects to a drain or vent pipe at a point below the fixture served.
A vertically sliding window in which the sash can descend into an opening below the sill so that the entire window is open for ventilation.
The electric conductor extending from an outdoor pole to a building.
A double-hung window whose lower sash can drop through the window sill into a pocket below the sill.
A simple beam,usually supported by cantilever arms,with joints so placed that it can be installed by lowering it into position.
See diagonal slating.
1.An electric lamp suspended from the ceiling on a flexible cord. 2.An electric lamp,sometimes protected by a wire guard,etc.,on the end of a flexible cord; used as a portable work light.
Same as key drop.
A girder which is dropped below the floor joists and supports them.
A girt which is dropped below the floor joists and supports them.
The roof of an addition to a house,usually a flat surface of single pitch with its upper edge somewhat below the eaves of the house.
A mason’s chisel having a blade from 2 to 4 in. (5 to 10 cm) broad; a boaster.
Same as boaster.
Stone which has been dressed with a drove;same as boasted work.
1.One of the cylinders of stone which form a column.2.A round or polygonal wall below a dome,often pierced with windows.3. The bell of Composite or Corinthian capitals.
Same as hoist.
A form of door construction in which the panels are flush on both sides and covered with cloth or leather.
A round tower whose diameter is greater than its height.
In plumbing,a cylindrical trap, with its axis in a vertical direction,having a cover plate which may be unscrewed for access;commonly used on the drainpipe from a bathtub or under a bathroom floor.
A circular saw having a blade which is set so that it does not rotate in one plane; used to cut a groove or kerf.
A piece of wood that has lost its strength and become brittle.
Abbr. for dry wall.
A covered area,below grade,between a basement wall and a retaining wall beyond it; its function is to keep the basement wall dry.
Concrete having a low proportion of water so that the plastic mixture is relatively stiff;suitable for use in dry locations;esp.advantageous where large masses are poured and compacted and on sloping surfaces.
The use of dry materials such as gypsum board, plywood,or wallboard in construction,without the application of plaster or mortar.
The first ply of built-up roofing laid directly over insulation or on a structural deck without the application of bitumen.
The density of soil,or the like,after it has been heated at a temperature of 221F (105C) to a dry condition.
The thickness of a dried coating of paint.
A filter for cleaning air which removes dirt by straining or filtering the air through various types of screens,fiberglass,or the like.
Gas having a moisture and hydrocarbon dew point below any normal temperature to which the gas piping will be exposed.
1.Any method of securing glass in a frame by use of a dry,preformed resilient gasket,without the use of a glazing compound.2. Patent glazing.
The hiding power of a coating of paint after it has completely dried.
The weight of the materials,excluding water,used to make a batch of concrete.
See contact adhesive.
The air temperature indicated by a dry-bulb thermometer after correction for the effects of radiation.
1.An ordinary thermometer.2.The one of two thermometers in a psychrometer which has an unmoistened bulb.
The finish produced on an exterior stucco wall by throwing small pebbles on the stucco when it is partially dry.