Architectural and Engineering Glossary
The shortest distance between two points that free air would travel as measured horizontally,vertically,or diagonally in a straight line or around corners.
The length of a pipeline measured along the center line of the pipe and fittings.
A wood or metal subframe,set in a wall,to which the finished frame is attached;also called a rough buck or sub buck.
A grille in a prepared door opening which allows air to pass through but restricts vision and acts as a partial barrier.
In a sliding door,a channel,1that keeps the door plumb while it moves.
See hand.
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1.The uppermost member of a doorframe.2.A horizontal projection above a door.
A device that holds a door open at selected positions.
A frame for holding a wood door in place while it is off its hinges and being planed.
The knob or handle that releases the latch on a door,permitting it to be opened.
A hinged knob,bar,or ring of metal,attached to the outside of an exterior door,to enable a person to announce his presence.
A level floor surface immediately adjacent to a threshold of a doorway.
See latch.
The glass area in a door.
A strip attached to the bottom edge of a door to cover the gap between the bottom edge and the doorsill.
The wall area or decorative element directly above a doorway,often ornamented.
An adjustable device,fabricated of metal,used to attach a doorframe to the surrounding structure;also see jamb anchor.
A projecting covering over an external door to provide shelter from rain or snow.
A plate on the exterior side of a door which gives the name of the occupant,apartment number,or the like.
The horizontal board or metal plate on the floor directly beneath a door;covers the joint where two types of floor materials meet;also called a saddle.
The stepstone at the threshold of a door.
1.A canopy.2.Same as reredos.
A dormitory, a monastery.
In sanitary engineering,a collection tank for sewage which is subsequently discharged for further processing.
Same as reredos.
1.Same as reredos.2.A hanging of silk,satin,damask,or cloth of gold at the back of an altar of a church and sometimes also on the sides of the chancel.
A member or supplementary capital resting on the top of the capital of a column;see impost block;also called a double capital.
A small spot of plaster placed on a plastering surface,or a temporary nail;to assist the plasterer in leveling a wall and in obtaining proper plaster thickness.
A form of decay in which wood becomes soft and weak and has a dull life less appearance.
doty Said of timber which has decayed.
Same as double-acting hinge.
Same as backhoe.
A structural member used to transfer a lateral load across a building to some part of the vertical structural system.
A dragon beam of unusually large size.
An angle brace which supports one end of a dragon beam.
1.Any pipe in a building drainage system which carries waste water or water borne waste.2.Any pipe or channel for carrying waste water or storm water.
A small cock or faucet,at the lowest point in a tank,for draining off the liquid.
Same as absorption field.
Same as downspout.
A water test or an air test of a drainage or vent system for leakage.
An area having a drainage channel beneath the surface.
The area within which all surface water flows toward the lowest point of its elevation.
A channel for conveying storm water runoff;usually lined with concrete,grass,riprap,or the like,to reduce erosion of the channel.
An opening in a construction which permits unwanted water to drain away,e.g.from behind a retaining wall.
All or any part of the drain pipe of a plumbing system.
The piping network within a structure which conveys sewage,rainwater,or other wastes from their point of origin to a point of disposal,such as a public sewer or a private treatment facility.
Same as drain tile.
1.Any pipe that serves as a drain.2.Same as downspout.
Same as draft.
A British term for door strip.