Architectural and Engineering Glossary



A coating of white cement or stucco (albarium opus),employed extensively by the ancient Romans as an ornamental facing to conceal rough stones or brickwork.


1.An aisle extending  around the apse of a church;an apse aisle.2.The ambulatory of a cloister,or the like.


The periodic repayment of a loan,including both accrued interest and a portion of the principal.


On drawings,abbr. for “decimal.”


Colored designs on special paper for transfer to unglazed or glazed ceramic ware or glass.

Decani Side

The south side of a church, i.e.,the side on the right of one facing the altar.


The loss of carbon at the surface of carbon steel when it is heated for processing or in modifying its mechanical properties.


A building having a portico of ten columns,or rows of ten columns.

Decorative Block

A concrete masonry unit having special treatment of its exposed face shell for architectural effect;such treatment may consist of distinctive aggregates (with or without additional coloring) or of beveled recesses (for patterned appearance when illuminated obliquely).

Decorative Half-timbering

Timbers or boards that provide the appearance of half timbered construction but whose function is ornamental rather than structural;also called false half timbering.

Decorative Paint

A paint which conceals the covered surface and provides a decorative and protective coating.

Decorative Stone

Stone that functions as architectural decoration.


The separating of building elements to reduce the transfer of heat,sound,or physical loads from one element to another.

Dedicated Street

A street,the title of which has been yielded by an owner,either permanently or temporarily,to the authorities for use of the street by the general public.

Dedication Cross

A cross painted or carved on the wall of a church to indicate any one of the twelve spots touched with chrism by the bishop at the consecration ceremony of the church.


On a building project,a type of insurance policy stipulating that in the event of loss,the insured is liable for a specified initial amount and the insurance company is liable for the amount above that figure,up to the insured amount.


The amount deducted from the contract sum by a change order.

Deductive Alternate

An alternate bid resulting in a deduction from the same bidder’s base bid.Also see alternate bid.


Any duly attested,written document executed under seal and delivered to effect a transfer,bond,or contract,such as a conveyance of real property or interest therein.

Deed Restriction

A limitation on the use of land,which is set forth in a deed conveying the restriction.

Deep Bead

See draft bead.

Deep Beam Footing

A tie beam,2for carrying heavy loads;resists shear forces.

Deep Cutting,deeping

The resawing of timber lengthwise,parallel to the faces.

Deep Foundation

A continuous foundation which provides a footing by filling a deep trench with concrete.

Deep Well

A well that draws water from beneath an impermeable stratum.

Deep-seal Trap, Antisiphon Trap

In plumbing,a U-shaped trap having a seal,3 of 4 in.(10 cm) or more.


See deep cutting.


A substantive failure to fulfill a material obligation under a building contract.


In wood,a fault that may reduce its durability,usefulness,or strength.

Defective Work

Work not complying with the contract requirements.See nonconforming work. 

Deferred Maintenance

The postponement of maintenance for any reason,such as the need to keep equipment in full-time operation,the lack of funds for repair,or the unavailability of parts.


The treatment of water to remove soluble compounds of iron.


See defective work.


Burning;the rapid combustion of a substance,attended with an extremely sudden evolution of flame and vapor.

Deflected Shape

Said of the profile of a structure that is deformed when it is loaded.

Deflected Tendons

In a concrete member,tendons which have a curved trajectory with respect to the gravity axis of the member.


1.Any displacement in a body from its static position,or from an established direction or plane,as a result of forces acting on the body.2.The deformation of a structural member as a result of loads acting on it.

Deflection Angle

In surveying,a horizontal angle measured from prolongation of the preceding transit line to the next line;recorded as “right” if clockwise rotation and “left” if counterclockwise.

Deflection Limitation

The maximum deflection permitted by code or by good practice.


A device for measuring the amount of bending in a beam induced by a transverse load.


Any change of form,shape,or dimensions produced in a body by a stress or force,without a breach of the continuity of its parts.

Deformed Metal Plate

A corrugated (or otherwise deformed) metal plate used in construction to form a vertical joint and to provide a mechanical interlock between the adjacent sections.

Deformed Reinforcement

In reinforced concrete,reinforcement,1 consisting of reinforcing bars,reinforcing rods, deformed wire,welded wire fabric,and welded deformed wire fabric.


See cation exchange softening. 


On drawings,abbr.for “delineation.” 


A failure in a laminated structure characterized by the separation or loss of adhesion between plies,as in built up roofing or glue laminated timber.


A change order that reduces the scope of work originally defined in the contract documents.

Detonating Cord

A flexible cord having a high explosive center core;when detonated,it then detonates other cap sensitive explosives with which it is in contact.

Detritus Tank

In sanitary engineering,a settling tank through which sewage is passed for the removal of the heavier solids.

Developed Area

An area of land upon which improvements have been made.