Architectural and Engineering Glossary
A receiving basin that collects sanitary waste discharge.
1.A ventilating grille with slots shaped to force the air out in divergent streams.2.A British term for an air diffuser.
A vent pipe used to convey air to a receiving basin that collects sanitary waste discharge.
1.A type of pump for ejecting liquid,as from a sump;induces fluid flow by entraining the liquid in the flow of a stream of air,steam,or water.2.A cleanout, 1.
On drawings, abbr. for elevation.
Same as alipterion.
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Descriptive of a material having the property of elasticity.
An arch designed on the basis of the elastic theory of materials.
The deflection of a structural element when a load is applied to it,and which recovers when the load is removed,as opposed to the deflection resulting from creep.
A change in shape without impairment of the elastic properties of a material.
A method of analysis in which the design of a structural member is based on a linear stress strain relationship,assuming that the working stresses are only a fraction of the elastic limit of the material.
The greatest stress which a material is capable of sustaining without permanent deformation upon complete release of the stress.elastic loss In pretensioned concrete,the reduction in prestressing load resulting from the elast shortening of the member.
Same as modulus of elasticity.
1.In a structural member,a decrease in the length (under an imposed load) which is linearly proportional to the load.2.In prestressed concrete, the shortening of a member which occurs immediately on application of forces induced by prestressing.
The property of a body that causes it to tend to return to its original shape after deformation (as stretching,compression,or torsion).
A macromolecular material (such as rubber or a synthetic material having similar properties) that returns rapidly to approximately the initial dimensions and shape after substantial deformation by a weak stress and release of the stress.
Said of any material having the properties of an elastomer,as a roofing material which can expand and contract without rupture.Said of any material having the properties of an elastomer,as a roofing material which can expand and contract without rupture.
An expansion bearing fabricated of an elastomer,which permits movement of the structure it supports.
A spring-loaded locking device commonly used to lock the inactive leaf of a pair of cabinet doors.When the inactive leaf closes,a hook on one end of the catch automatically engages a strike,thereby securing the door.
A strip of millwork fixed to a partition as an armrest;also called an elbowboard.
A faucet having a water outlet valve whose flow is controlled by the pressure of an arm or elbow.
1.An elbow rail.2.Same as window stool.
Abbr.for electric or electrical.
See appliance.
A blasting cap designed for and capable of detonation by means of an electric current.
Same as box 2.
One or more flexible insulated electric conductors in a flexible insulating covering which is equipped with terminals.
See device.
A hand held electrically powered drill,1;usually classified according to the capacity of the chuck;may be of either fixed or variable speed.
See photoelectric cell.
Same as incandescent lamp.
A unit consisting of an electrical resistance material,insulated supports,and terminals for connection to a source of electric power;used as a heat source.
A locking device in which the movement of a bolt or latch is actuated by the application of a voltage to the terminals of the device.
See motor controller.
An electrically powered mechanism used to open or close a casement window,hatch,damper,or the like.
See outlet.
See panel heating.
Same as electrostatic precipitator.
See receptacle.
See resistance welding.
Same as riser.
A fixed or portable self-contained,electrically illuminated appliance with words or symbols designed to convey information or attract attention.
A space heater in which electricity supplies the heat energy.
An electrically actuated device used to ignite a charge in blasting operations.
Same as escalator.
A remote-controlled strike plate.
An electrical device that permits the release of a door at a remote location.
A water heater,usually fully automatic,having a storage tank with one or more electric heating elements, and with operating and safety controls.
See arc welding.
A cap designed to detonate at a predetermined time after electrical energy is applied to the ignition system.