Cost to Build
Estimated cost to building Grey Structure
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Plan details
Area Description
- Plot Size: 23 Marla | 575 yards
- Total Covered Area: 8765 sq.ft | 974 yards
- Ground Floor Covered Area: 3648 sq.ft | 405 yards
- First Floor Covered Area: 2640 sq.ft | 293 yards
- Second Floor Covered Area: 0 sq.ft | 0 yards
- Basement Covered Area: 2477 sq.ft | 275 yards
- Mumty Room Area: 0 sq.ft | 0 yards
Construction Method
- Method(s): Brick and Mortar (Load Bearing)
- No of Beds at Ground Floor: 2
- No of Beds at First Floor: 4
- No of Beds at Second Floor:
- No of Beds in Basement: 2
- Total No of Beds: 8
- No of Baths at Ground Floor: 2
- No of Baths at First Floor: 4
- No of Baths at Second Floor:
- No of Baths in Basement: 2
- Half Baths:
- Total No of Baths: 8